Our team

Principal investigator

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Clara T. Schoeder

Curriculum vitae

since 08/2023 Junior-Professor for the development of novel immunotherapeutic drugs at Leipzig University, Faculty of Medicine
since 2021 Junior Research Group Leader at Institute of Drug Discovery, Leipzig University, Faculty of Medicine
2018-2021 Post-doc in the laboratories of Jens Meiler and James E. Crowe, Jr. (Vanderbilt University)
2013-2017 PhD in Pharmacy at University of  Bonn in the laboratory of Christa E. Müller and with the GRK1873 
2013 Licensed pharmacist
2007-2012 Study of Pharmacy at University of Kiel

contact: clara.schoeder[at]medizin.uni-leipzig.de

Post-doctoral fellows and staff

Antonia Sophia Peter

Postdoctoral fellow

Structure-based vaccine designemerging viral diseases


Birke Brumme

Research assistant

Protein expression and purification, cloning, antibodies


Christina Lange

Research assistant

Protein expression and purification, cloning, FACS


Corinna Schüß

Postdoctoral fellow 
structure-based vaccine design for coronaviruses and other emgering viral diseases

Sascha Wagner

Research assistant

Protein expression and purification, cloning

lisa_julia_anastasia.wagner@uni-leipzig.de [at]medizin.uni-leipzig.de

PhD students 

Lorenz Beckmann

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Maik Tretbar)
drug discovery for OTU-proteases of emerging virusesstructure-based drug design

Max Beining

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Jens Meiler)
developing new methods to design non-canonical amino acids in mini-proteins

Franz Dietzmeyer

Doctoral candidate 

focussing on computational vaccine design for emerging influenza viruses, pandemic preparedness 

Lars Grosch

Doctoral candidate 

protein design in the interface of DCL-1 and microRNAs - a regulator of gene sysnthesis in plants part of the CRC1664

Sevilay Gulesen

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Jens Meiler)DAAD-PhD-Scholar
new algorithms to identify B cell epitopes

Vivian Haas

Doctoral candidate 
fascinated by antibodies and B cells, gene therapy and AAVs, designing antibodies and scFv's for CAR T cell therapies

Dieter Hoffmann

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Torben Schiffner)
designing rational immunogens with computational methods for a new generation of Hepatitis C vaccines

Johannes Klier

Doctoral candidate(co-advised with Kristin Reiche)  
design of mini-proteins and de novo proteinsdevelopment of new protein scaffolds using computational protein design


Hannes Junker

Doctoral candidate 
peptide design for GPCRs, peptide-GPCRs and design with NCAAs
part of the CRC1423

Max Alexander Lingner Chango

Doctoral candidate(co-advised with Manfred Kunz, Dermatology) 
interested in exploring protein-protein interactions in cancer and how they can be applied for cellular therapies

Johanna Moeller

Doctoral candidate 
TCR design and TCR-pMHC interactionspMHC binder designbiomolecular NMR 

Anna Nobis

Doctoral candidate 

deisgn of vaccines for Paramyxovirus infections, rapid response to novel emerging viral diseases, pandemic preparedness

Jakob Riccabona

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Jens Meiler)
establishing new methods in computational protein design, that will help us design new drugs in the future

Dominic Rieger

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Jens Meiler)
design of of mini-binder proteins for viral gycoproteins, true structural biologist - always interested in crystallizing something

Phillip Schlegel

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Leo Kaysser)
using computational protein design to design enzymes discovered from Streptomyces species

Tom Schlegel

Doctoral candidate (co-advised by Torben Schiffner)
design of vaccines with computational protein design for next generation SARS-CoV-2 vaccines

Roman Trommler

Doctoral candidate 
design of vaccines with computational protein design for next generation Filovirus vaccines

Christina Wüst

Doctoral candidate 
ESF PhD stipent holder
bioinformatics, target validation, structure prediction, CAR T cells

Master and diploma students

Current Master and Diploma students

Florian Olander (Pharmacy)Lena Kiesewetter (Biochemistry)Leonie Adams (Biochemistry)Julian Etmann (Pharmacy)

Jobs and Open Positions

We are always searching for interested Bachlor, Master and Diploma students in Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology or related fields. 



Leipzig University Medical FacultyInstitute for Drug DiscoveryLiebigstr. 19D-04103 Leipzig